Finding your proof of insurance card, also known as your insurance identification card, is quick and easy. Simply log into our Customer Site, and you will have access to your insurance card in a printable format. Once you have printed the card, you can keep it in your vehicle for convenient access whenever needed.
If you encounter any difficulties while accessing the Customer Site, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your agent directly or give us a call at 801-267-5000. We are here to assist you and can provide additional support by mailing, emailing, or texting you a copy of your insurance card.
It’s important to note that in Utah, electronic insurance cards are considered valid proof of insurance. This means you have the option to keep a digital copy of the card on your phone and present the image to authorities when requested. If you prefer not to print and store a physical copy, keeping a digital copy on your phone can be a convenient alternative.
We understand the importance of having your proof of insurance readily available, whether in print or digital format. Rest assured that we are committed to providing you with easy access to your insurance card and are here to assist you in any way we can.