Electronic Delivery Disclosure

At Bear River Mutual, we are excited to offer you the convenience of receiving documents electronically. We hope that this new method of delivery will make your life easier and more convenient.

By accessing electronic documents on our website or interacting with documents provided by Bear River Mutual Insurance Company, you are agreeing to all the terms of this Electronic Delivery Disclosure.

Consenting to Electronic Communication and Delivery

When you access your documents online, you agree to participate in electronic communication.

If you want to receive documents primarily through electronic delivery, you need to give us or your insurance agent (“agent”) consent. Once you choose electronic delivery, we will stop sending you paper copies of documents that can be delivered electronically. We will attempt to notify you by email when new documents are available at https://customer.bearrivermutual.com.

Getting paper copies

If you have chosen electronic delivery, we will no longer send you paper copies of documents that can be delivered electronically. However, you can save and print all electronic documents at your convenience. To do this, you need a device that supports downloading, viewing, and printing PDF documents. We aim to keep electronic versions of Policy and Billing documents available for at least 2 years as long as the associated policy is active. Documents related to canceled policies will be removed within 45 days of cancellation. Access to Billing accounts and related documents may be removed 30 days after all policies are canceled. Claims-related documents are usually only accessible through a direct link and should be saved when viewed. However, we recommend you download (Save) copies of all documents you want to keep because we cannot guarantee storage times or system availability.

Please note that in certain circumstances, we may need to remove a document early. Also, document availability and signing deadlines may not align. If we send you a document that requires a signature, we may require you to sign it before the expiration date. The extended expiration is provided to give you enough time to save or print copies for your records, not necessarily for signing. Therefore, we ask that you sign documents as soon as possible.

Withdrawing your consent

We hope that you will continue to receive documents electronically because it allows us to deliver important information to you quickly. However, if you decide that you no longer want to receive electronic documents, please update your preferences using the Account Settings at https://customer.bearrivermutual.com or contact your agent. Once you or your agent updates your preferences, we will switch back to physical delivery. Please note that it may take up to 2 weeks for the change to take effect. It is therefore recommended that you continue checking your email for electronic delivery during this time. By providing consent for electronic delivery, you agree that all documents processed electronically are considered delivered unless we receive a non-delivery notification (NDR) from your email provider.

If you want to change your preference before signing documents that were already delivered electronically, please be aware that this may result in a lapse in coverage. Discuss the potential consequences with your agent if this situation arises.

Keeping your information up to date

When you signed up for electronic delivery, you provided us or your agent with an email address. This email address is crucial for receiving notices about document availability and reminders. If you need to change your email address, you can do so in the Advanced Electronic Delivery Settings under Account Settings on https://customer.bearrivermutual.com or by contacting your agent to update your information.

Authentication, privacy, and other terms

Microsoft® hosts the authentication process for the account that you create to access electronic documents. This means that we do not have access to or store your password. Furthermore, we will never ask you for your password. If you need to recover your account, you can use the password recovery feature. If you encounter significant issues with your account that cannot be resolved using the self-service feature, we can investigate the issue upon your request and if necessary, detach your previous account so you can create a new one. Detaching and re-registering will not impact your document storage.

Given that your account is created and verified by you and hosted by Microsoft®, it is your responsibility to ensure that you do not provide anyone with your account credentials either intentionally or unintentionally. Bear River Mutual cannot be held responsible for the theft or misuse of any account credentials.

To ensure that we provide adequate service, we reserve the right to track and log all interactions. All actions taken after logging in to the site can be tracked using personally identifiable information. We will not share or make your documents or personally identifiable tracking information available to anyone outside our company, your agent, or those involved in managing your policy or billing account unless legally required to do so.

We do store records associated with your activity that do not contain personally identifiable information. This anonymous information is used to track the overall effectiveness of the site. We may share this anonymous information with business partners or others outside our company without your consent.

Contacting us

For policy and billing questions, your agent is the best contact. However, we are always ready to assist you in any way we can. You can reach us at 1 (800) 925-5177 or visit us at www.bearrivermutual.com. You can also email us at cshelp@brmutual.com.

Technical support

If you need assistance, we recommend contacting your agent. However, we are also available to provide direct support. Our main priority is to ensure that you can securely view, sign, save, and print your documents.

Acknowledging your access and consent to receive materials electronically

To confirm that you can access this information electronically, please verify that you were able to download and read the PDF version of this document located at Electronic Delivery Disclosure. Additionally, confirm that you were able to print it on paper or electronically save it for future reference and access, or that you were able to email the PDF version of this disclosure and consent to an address where you can print it on paper or save it for future reference and access.

By using this site and accessing the electronic version of my documents, I am stating that I agree to do business electronically with Bear River Mutual. By proceeding to review my documents, I affirm that:

  • I can access and read this Electronic Delivery Disclosure document.
  • I can print on paper the PDF version of this document or save/send the disclosure to a place where I can print it for future reference and access.
  • If I have chosen electronic delivery as the primary method, I consent to receive and sign electronically all necessary documents during my relationship with Bear River Mutual Insurance Company until I notify them otherwise.
  • I understand that physical documents may be sent by mail in cases where electronic methods are not available.
  • I understand that electronic signature verification may not always be in place, and physical signatures may be required on certain documents.
  • In addition to agreeing to the terms contained within, I have read and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use.